/ Multidisciplinary Creative

I’m Chris M French, a self-taught designer/developer always looking for opportunities to be creative.

Before there was YouTube, Skillshare, and Masterclass there was me, deep into books about Photoshop 7 and Macromedia Dreamweaver MX. I could only self-teach because of my inherent love for all things creative and it’s turning into a lifelong passion. My freelance career has allowed me to get to know businesses of all types and backgrounds. I’ve done creative work for fotune 500 companies, startups, and everything in between: restaurants, trucking companies, dentists, lawyers, chefs, authors, non-profits, universities, etc. I take pride in my work and find fulfillment in establishing long-term business relationships.

Work & Education

2008 – Present

Freelance, Mustenso Creative

Over 10 years freelance experience working with both small and large companies. My work includes everything from graphic design for both print and web, but my specialty involves helping small businesses create or reinvent themselves with new branding and identity that’s modern and consistent across the board.

2013- 2016

FICO, Marketing Designer and Lead Consultant

Corporate brand development and lead generation as it pertains to both digital and print media. As a result, developed new UI/UX principles used on website, landing pages, email and other methods of advertising and brand awareness. Also developed a strategy and process for increasing website traffic and marketing generated leads.

Skills and Interests

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    Visit the dentist.